Flowers in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Florists and floral arrangers

Arena FlowersUnit 5, Concord Business Centre, Concord Rd, W30800 035 0 581
Flower delivery same-day in Greater London, next-day nationwide. Also chocolates, balloons, bottles of wine, cuddly toys.
Designer FlowersUnit 20, Cumberland Business Park, 17 Cumberland Avenue, NW10020 8961 6844
Floral arrangements for hotels, caterers, parties, weddings and events, and the corporate markets.
Drake Algar1b St Johns Wood High St, NW8020 7722 4491
Quality boutique florist based in London. Gift bouquets & arrangements, weddings, corporate events. Online shop, UK delivery.
The Fresh Flower CompanyStudio 4, The Business Village, Broomhill Rd, SW18020 8871 5146
A team of highly skilled designers of unique & stunning designs for weddings, private parties, offices & corporate events.

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